Accused Disney Stroller Thief Caught Thanks to Social Media

Disney Stroller

A woman accused of stealing a stroller from Disney World and attempting to sell it online has been arrested by deputies with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office. The stroller belonged to a family visiting the park and was filled with their belongings.

Along with their stroller the victims, Dave Diaz and his family, lost a child’s car seat, diaper bag and toys that they reported stolen at the Magic Kingdom on Sunday night. Altogether the stolen property totaled more than $1000.

Amanda Poyner, 24, was charged with a second-degree felony for allegedly dealing in stolen property.

According to investigators the Diaz Family went on the “Little Mermaid Ride” and when the got back to where they had left their stroller, they discovered it was gone. The family was devastated and has been chronicling the events on social media throughout.

The story has a happy ending though as the family’s stolen items were returned after detectives were able to locate them online at sites like Facebook Marketplace and LetGo. Detectives used a fake Facebook account to message the seller and set up a meeting to buy the stolen goods Wednesday morning.

The Diaz’s were able to provide serial numbers for their stolen goods and the case was pretty much open and shut.  They are just happy to have their belongings back and Diaz says “This is a story about how the cast members at Magic Kingdom went above and beyond to try to fix a problem that was never their problem to fix in the first place.”