Latest Construction Update for Galaxy’s Edge at Hollywood Studios

Galaxy's Edge Construction

We’re back with another update on the progress with the Galaxy’s Edge construction at Hollywood Studios.

The opening is still well over a year away and the anticipation is overwhelming, but at least we can get these little peeks at what they are up to and how the future land is shaping up!

The awesome ariel shots show the massive project which is hard to appreciate from the ground. In the picture below you can really get a sense of the scope of the project.

Galaxy's Edge Construction
Photo: @bioreconstruct

The left arrow at Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge rock work frame that can be seen from Grand Avenue. Smaller arrows at what may become a landscaped hill, and a section almost filled in with dirt.

Here you can see Where they starting to block the view from the surrounding areas with a natural looking forest.

Here you can see the high points in Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge.  This is the current view from Grand Avenue.

Galaxy's Edge Construction
Photo: @bioreconstruct


Galaxy's Edge Construction
Photo: @bioreconstruct

Here is another great aerial view where we can see the current work on the buildings near the Millennium Falcon attraction in Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge. You can also make out the marketplace passageways taking form.

Galaxy's Edge Construction
Photo: @bioreconstruct

If you want to see more of the progression they have made so far take a look back here.  Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is set to open in 2019. Keep checking