Disney Removes Weapons from New ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ Movie Posters

Solo Blaster Poster

Disney has removed the weapons from the movie posters for Solo: A Star Wars Story. They released new imagines of Solo: A Star Wars Story’s cast without their iconic blasters.

As you can see in the images, with the same ease that the Empire can erase a planet with the Death Star, Disney has eradicated all traces of blasters from all of the movie posters for the upcoming Han Solo flick with the stroke of a digital pen.

Solo Blaster Poster

There is not word from Disney about the alterations, but the change on the Solo posters appears to be in response to the recent gun control concerns following the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida last month as well as some plagiarism charges by a freelance artist, according to Movie Web.

Solo Blaster Poster

Is this a step too far? We’ll leave that for the readers to decide, but blasters have been a part of Star Wars since Episode IV and it’s not like they are going to go back and digitally remove all guns like they did with E.T. and replace them with walkie-talkies… Well… at least we hope not.

I can’t help but think of Han Solo’s famous line here:

Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.”

Disney likes to be a head of the curve on social issues, evident with the removal of the bride auction from Disney World’s Pirates of the Caribbean ride.  Their plans for the change started way ahead of the #MeToo movement, though it should be noted that the Redhead is now is packing heat herself. So pirates can’t auction brides, and they can carry guns, but space smugglers cannot carry them…  Got it!

The new Solo posters maybe aren’t as cool to look at, but they’ll keep Lucasfilm and Disney from getting sued and they take them out of anybody accusing them of promoting gun violence. Perhaps it’s the appropriate time to be sensitive for the moment, because it’s not like they will be removing them from the movie or anything that extreme. It’s just a poster and if these were the posters they released first, no one would have even gave it a second thought.