Tim Allen, who has voiced Buzz Lightyear in every Toy Story film, recently appeared on The Talk on Wednesday, where he discussed the upcoming fourth installment of the franchise. Tim Allen wouldn’t reveal any plot details for the film, but he did tell them how emotional this story is.
Pixar is keeping details pertaining to the plot and characters under wraps, but it should be a good sign that 65-year-old actor, who has portrayed Buzz Lightyear throughout the films, seems genuinely touched by the story.
He was asked if he was hard at work on the beloved film by co-host Sara Gilbert and Allen replied, “Yes, I gotta resist getting emotional. I don’t want to give it away, but this is an incredibly great story. It is so emotional, it’s so funny, it’s so big, the idea they’ve come up with, I’m startled. I couldn’t even get through the last scene.” Take a look at the interview below.
He said he wished he could be a “Washington leaker,” but he stopped himself, explaining, “I just can’t do it. I can’t give any more away. They’ve got great characters but a couple of scenes toward the end were really hard to get through.”
Many of the iconic characters that first captured audiences in 1995 return to the screen in Toy Story 4.
Tom Hanks returns as the voice of Woody, while Joan Cusack, Bonnie Hunt and Laurie Metcalf reprise their roles of Jessie, Dolly and Mrs. Davis, respectively. Randy Newman also returns as the composer of the film. He was nominated for Best Original Song in 1996 for the film’s theme song “You’ve Got a Friend in Me.”
Josh Cooley is now helming the film after John Lasseter stepped down from the project and Stephany Folsom has been tapped to pen the next installment of the franchise after, actress Rashida Jones left due to “creative and philosophical differences” in November 2017.
Disney-Pixar’s “Toy Story 4” hits theaters June 21, 2019.