Edy’s is partnering up with Disney’s Pixar to release four new ice cream flavors that celebrate Pixar’s classic animated hits “Toy Story,” “Finding Nemo,” “The Incredibles” and “Monsters, Inc.”
The limited-edition flavors can be found at participating stores (such as Publix and Meijer) now, but they won’t be around forever, so don’t miss your chance to enjoy these yummy additions to the Edy’s family.
First, there is Coral Reef Orange and Cream, which pays homage to “Finding Nemo.” The light orange and vanilla sherbet include the sweet addition of little chocolate fishes.
Then, there’s Cookies and Scream, a yummy cookies n’ cream combo that is a nod to “Monsters, Inc.” It’s made with light vanilla ice cream, chocolate cookie pieces, a fudge swirl and little Mike and Sully chocolate pieces.
And then there’s Jack-Jack Cookie Crumble, which is a combo of light chocolate and vanilla ice cream mixed with chocolate cookie pieces and little chocolate masks (to mimic the superhero masks worn by the characters in “The Incredibles”).
Last but not least is Edy’s new Chocolate Peanut Butter Toy Chest. Made with light chocolate ice cream and a peanut butter swirl, the dessert is made even more decadent thanks to chocolate “Toy Story” pieces that are filled with peanut butter.