Disney Announces First Shops and Restaurants to Reopen at Disney Springs

disney springs

On May 27, three Disney-owned and -operated stores and venues at Disney Springs will reopen: World of Disney, D-Luxe Burger (mobile order) and the Marketplace Co-Op.

Wednesday, May 20, will be the first step in the phased reopening of Walt Disney World Resort, as Disney Springs begins its initial reopening that morning. 

Matt Simon, Vice President, Disney Springs said, “With the safety and well-being of our guests, cast members and third-party operating participants at the forefront of our planning.”

It said parking at Disney Springs will be limited and fewer entrances will be open.

Employees and visitors will have their temperatures screened prior to entering and face coverings are required, the company said.

“We are eager to begin welcoming you back to this part of Walt Disney World. While our theme parks and resort hotels remain temporarily closed, the phased reopening of Disney Springs is a welcome milestone as we navigate through this unprecedented time together as responsibly as we can,” Simon said.