Go Absolutely Mad at the New Alice in Wonderland-Themed Pop-Up Bar Coming to Denver

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You’re not going to want to be late for this very important date! A new Alice in Wonderland-themed pop-up bar coming to Denver.

You’ll adventure down the rabbit hole to experience the wonder and whimsy of the traveling tea party, inspired by Alice in Wonderland.

At the 90 minute cocktail adventure, hosted by the event company the Wizard’s Den, tea party guests can enjoy “Eat Me” cakes, flamingo croquet, red rose painting, and riddle-solving just Alice’s Adventures in wonderland.

There’s also an enchanted cocktail station where you can make your very own “Mad Hatter” creations.

The event was scheduled to take place from Saturday, September 5th through Saturday, September 26th, 2020, however; “Due to COVID, we have had to change the original dates for this event,” their website says.

The exact location of the pop-up has not yet been announced. Tickets are limited. To pre-register or for more details, click here.