The happiest place on earth was certaily anything but for many guests visiting Disneyland Sarurday as a fight broke out in the middle of Toon Town.
The incident happened Saturday night as an argument between family members escalated into a full-on brawl.
The incident was caught on video and shows a woman spit in a man’s face. He retaliates by punching her, repeatedly. Take look at the video below, but be warned it contains extreme violence.
Moments later that same man accuses another female relative of hitting his mother. He brutally attacks her, knocking her down and hitting her, over and over again.
Anaheim police responded and interviewed family members, but officers say none of the victims was cooperative and they were escorted from the park.
In a statement, a Disney official said: “We do not condone this behavior.”
Police became aware of the video Sunday, and say they are now pursuing a criminal case.