Disney Now Selling $11 Star Wars Spork at Disneyland

Star Wars Spork

After being removed, the uniquely themed space sporks used in Docking Bay 7 at Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge are back, but this time you’ll have to fork over $11 to take it home this time.

When Galaxy’s Edge opened last May, the spork was available for guests dining at the restaurant, but after so many went missing and ended up on eBay, they were replaced with regular silverware.

You can find it listed under cargo on the online menu and now they even come with a Galaxy Edge-themed travel bag as you can see in the post below:

Apparently they were so popular since their introduction that some guests were taking them, then posting on social media about their new souvenirs as well, but now you can buy them without the five-finger discount.

Available for $10.99, you can now take this galactic collectible home with you after your trip to the West Coast Batuu.