Disney World has paused sales on most of it’s new annual passes according to the company’s website.
Sales of its three most expensive annual passes — Disney Pirate Pass, Disney Sorcerer Pass and Disney Incredi-Pass — “are currently paused,” the website says. Only the Disney Pixie Dust Pass, designed for Florida residents and valid only on weekdays, remains available for new sales at this time.
The three paused passes are still listed on the site but with notations that read “currently unavailable.”
A Walt Disney World spokesperson said the change was made while the company monitors attendance at the theme parks. The change occurs as Thanksgiving week begins, the December holidays approach and travel restrictions into the United States have been eased.
Current annual passholders will still be able to renew their passes as they expire, the spokesperson said.
The pause is expected to be lifted sometime in 2022, the spokesperson said.