Disney Donates $2 Million to Make-A-Wish for #ShareYourEars

Share Your Ears

Millions of Disney fans who took part in this year’s #ShareYourEars campaign over the holidays.

Once again with all the Ear Photos shared Disney reached its goal of $1 million and for the second year in a row they have doubled their original donation to Make-A-Wish to $2 million.

Disney Parks donated $5 to Make-A-Wish for each photo you shared on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram wearing “Mickey Ears” with the hashtag #ShareYourEars, which will help grant the wishes of children with critical illnesses and their families around the world.

Disney saw so many fun, silly, wacky, creative, festive Mickey Mouse Ear photos pour in from the far corners of the globe these past few weeks. Every year, nearly 9,000 Disney-related wishes are granted worldwide with Make-A-Wish, and with your support we can make even more happiness come true in the years to come.