Tag: secrets

  • Top 10 Best Kept Secrets at Disney Parks

    Top 10 Best Kept Secrets at Disney Parks

    You could go to Disneyland or Disney World and never do the same thing twice.  One reason is how much fun it is to investigate all of the hidden secrets within the parks. Disney World is the most magical place on earth and is so vast yet detailed that is holds many fun secrets that delight and entertain. Below is a list of the Top 10 Best Kept Secrets Disney Parks.

    Number 10: The Bench Where Walt Disney First Envisioned Disneyland Is Now in Disneyland

    Griffith_Park_Bench Walt
    Photo: Bethcourtneysimmons, Griffith Park Bench, CC BY-SA 3.0

    He originally considered building Disneyland in Griffith Park, near Disney Studios, but the space didn’t turn out to be large enough. The bench from the park is now located in the foyer of “Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln.”

    Number 9: The FAA Put a Flight Restriction on Disney World Airspace After 9/11

    Disney World Main Street

    Due to security concerns, a no-fly zone was put into effect within a three mile radius of Cinderella’s Castle after the 9/11 attacks in 2001.

    Number 8: Disney World Is Second Only to the US Military as the Nation’s Largest Consumer of Explosives

    Disney World FireWorks

    Thankfully, it’s only because of the frequency of their knock-out fireworks displays.

    Number 7: Disneyland Has Feral Cats Living in the Park.

    Photo: Sam Howzit, Cat of Disneyland (27825807731), CC BY 2.0

    Though knowledge of their existence has been carefully guarded from reaching the ears of Mickey for decades, Disneyland actually has a number of feral cats who roam the park at night in order to help control the… mouse population. In exchange, the kitties are all spayed/neutered, given regular shots, fed, and even have their own website at disneylandcats.com.

    Number 6: The Skull on the Pirates of the Caribbean Ride Is Real

    Prates of the Caribbean Disneyland

    When the ride first opened at Disneyland in 1967, its designers found that the fake skeletons available were too flimsy. Despite the creepiness factor, they discovered that actual human skeletons worked much more to their liking and originally used several that the UCLA Medical School had lying around. Though have since been replaced by fakes, the skull and cross bones seen above are among the few genuine human remains left inside the ride.

    Number 5: Walt Disney Once Ordered Trash Cans Be Placed Exactly 25 Steps From the Hot Dog Booth at Disneyland

    Mickey Mouse Hot Dog
    He chose this super specific distance because that’s exactly how long it took him to eat a hot dog.

    Number 4: CInderella’s fountain may have some details you haven’t noticed
    Cinderella crowned

    As you pass through the castle from Main St. and emerge into Fantasyland you will see a water fountain right in front of a statue of Cinderella. From the right vantage point it looks as though the crown behind her is on her head.

    Number 3: Disney Parks Are Designed to Enchant Your Sense of SmellMain Street

    Disney Parks use “Smellitizers” to ensure that various areas are equipped with the appropriate smells. They produce everything from the amazing “baked goods” smell on Main Street to the musky sea smell on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

    Number 2: The Window Above the Fire Station on Disneyland’s Main Street Looks out From Walt Disney’s Private Apartment

    Walt's Apartment

    You can still see a light in the window that used to be lit in order to announce that Disney himself was on the property. After he passed away, it was lit permanently and is now never extinguished in order to symbolize his constant presence in the world he created.

    Number 1:  There’s a Secret Suite in Cinderella’s Castle

    Cinderellas Castle Suite

    Cinderella’s castle at Walt Disney World houses a secret suite. At Disneyland, the so-called Dream Suite is located above the Pirates of the Caribbean ride in New Orleans Square. It was originally intended to be an apartment for Walt Disney and his family, but he passed away before it was finished being built. It rocks 24 karat gold floor tiles, stained glass windows, and a magic mirror that doubles as a television. Disney now occasionally allows families who win a competition to stay in the suite for the night.

    This is just a few of the many secrets from the Disney Parks. Leave us some comments on your favorite secrets.