A magical trip to Disney World ends in tragedy after a teacher at Middleburg High School in Florida was killed in a car accident over the weekend while returning home.
Melanie Blodgett and her husband Les Blodgett were on their way back from Walt Disney World in Orlando when their car was struck from the side, according to family members. Melanie worked in the high school’s worked in the Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten program, Bronco Building Blocks and Les is part of the schools custodial staff.
The couple spent the day at Disney World on Saturday, just hours before she died. She spent the day doing the thing she loved the most with the person she loved the most, according to friends.
The high school made the announcement to students and staff on Monday via their official Facebook page.
“I think all parents who had children touched by Melanie can all say how genuine and loving she was. She loved my baby like her own and was a huge influence in her decision to teach. She always put her kids first and never knew a stranger. She will be greatly missed. I am so thankful that my daughters path crossed hers.” one parent commented on the post.
Friends and family knew Melanie as a loving wife, beautiful daughter, loyal sister, and a wonderful friend. As students and teachers returned to school yesterday, they honored their beloved teacher by wearing different Disney character t-shirts.
Today Middleburg High School students wore Disney shirts for Mrs. Blodgett — before she died she was able to spend the day at her favorite place with the person she loved. pic.twitter.com/qBA1HyjsxO
— Amber Krycka (@AmberANjax) April 17, 2018
Middleburg High School has counselors on campus to help students and staff. The family has set up a Go-Fund-Me to help with the funeral expenses.